This was revealed by the experts of Dokuz Ellul University, Turkey. Experts have said that if we eat food late at night, our body stays busy all night instead of resting. When our body starts to sleep, blood pressure also decreases by 10% compared to normal conditions.
According to scientists, after eating food, stress hormones are released in our body which keep blood pressure normal.
These hormones continue to be released for 2 hours after eating, during which we do not get sleep and if we do, it is not restful.
Experts studied 721 people over the age of 50 who had high blood pressure during the research. A detailed analysis of their daily food intake revealed that those who went to bed less than 2 hours after eating dinner had a nearly 3-fold higher risk of developing high blood pressure throughout the night.
Experts say that staying in a state of high blood pressure all night is very dangerous because it increases the risk of death due to stroke and heart disease up to 3 times. The best way to avoid this risk is to eat dinner by 7 pm at most.
According to the 2021 International Nutrition Information Council report, 60 percent of Americans eat after 8 p.m.
There are some pros and cons of eating late night snacks now it's up to you how to maintain healthy eating habits.
Along with the disadvantages, there are also some advantages of eating dinner late.
Eating late can be an opportunity to provide your body with essential nutrients that it may have missed during the day. Choose nutritious and minimally processed foods like yogurt, whole with biscuits
Cereal crackers or light snacks etc.
Eating a light, balanced meal before bed can promote better sleep than waking up hungry at night.
According to research in ACSM's Journal of Health and Fitness, if a person is hungry at night, eating a light meal before bed can help them sleep better. But remember not to eat too much.
According to a scientific review, eating snacks at night that include protein-rich foods can keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the night.
Eating late at night can cause gastrointestinal discomfort during sleep, such as indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux. Therefore, high fat or spicy foods should be avoided.
Eating dinner late can lead to weight gain, especially if you eat it while watching TV or on your cell phone or doing something else where you don't know what you're eating.
Most important
As Muslims, since Allah Ta'ala has commanded us to be moderate in everything. Therefore, if we do everything keeping this in mind, we will not suffer any loss, either financially or physically.